Certification (certifikace)

ISO 9001:2008

OMEGA SERVIS HOLDING, a.s. company holds this certification since as far back as 1996. Fulfilling of all requirements of this standard is verified every year by an inspection audit. The certification applies to road and combined transport in accordance with the ADR 2009 regulations (the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods) and RID (Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail).

SQAS Certificate

Our company is assessed and certified in accordance with SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System) every three years; with the help of standardized evaluations, safety, quality and environmental aspects are assessed.

GMP+ B4: Transportation

In 2015 we have been certified in accordance with GMP+B4: Transportation.
This GMP certificate (Good Manufacture Practise) covers the field of road transport of feed and feed materials. All feed transportation is documented and potential non-compliances are monitored so that the transported products would not be exposed to any negative influence, and their safety or quality would not be endangered. The fulfilment of this standard is verified every year by an inspection audit.

GCA QMS system

Currently, The GCA system of quality management is being introduced. The aim is to unify the quality system with other branches of our parent company The Charles André Group GCA.
This system covers all of corporate processes from buying, through the workshop, all the way to the realization of transports. The system puts an emphasis on the feedback, monitoring of non-compliances and the subsequent process of accomplishing the main goal – customer satisfaction. The implementation of the system will be finished in 2017.

Our drivers participate in high-level regular training courses for drivers at the training centre for transport operators - ČESMAD BOHEMIA every year. We are members of the following organizations and professional associations:

  • ECTA
  • EPCA
  • Česmad/IRU
  • BIC